Dominosa puzzle

Not all logic puzzles were invented in Japan. One of the striking examples of European games of this type is Dominosa. Created in the 19th century based on the famous game of dominoes, it quickly gained popularity in Germany, Poland, Great Britain, and many other countries.
Simple and understandable rules, and at the same time the logical orientation and complexity of the solution, made this game famous among different castes and classes.
Game history
The authorship of most logic games that have survived to this day from past centuries is unknown. Dominosa is no exception in this regard. Although it appeared relatively recently, about 100-150 years ago, there is still debate among fans of the genre about who invented it first.
One of the common versions is the authorship of the Warsaw film critic Lech Pijanowski, as evidenced by the publication in the book by Martin Gardner. However, it is refuted by a booklet entitled “Sperrdomino oder das alte Dominospiel zu zweien und Dominosa, neue Dominospiele zur Selbstunterhaltung”, published in Germany in 1924, according to which the game was invented by O. S. Adler long before Pijanovsky - back in 1874.
Despite the fact that many associate this puzzle with Lech Pijanowski, there is a completely official document confirming that its author is Richard Osa. His pseudonym - O. S. Adler - is indicated in the German state patent No. 71539 (Deutschen Reichspatent), issued for the Dominosa puzzle in 1893. It is difficult to argue with such evidence, especially since the rules of the game have not changed at all since then, despite the repeated changes in its names.
In the booklet the game was listed under its current name - Dominosa, but in the German almanac Kürschners Jahrbuch of 1899 it was called Dominosa Omnibus. And in 1912, the publishing house Verlag der Züllchower Anstalten in Szczecin (Poland) called it Sperrdomino und Dominosa. Other game names are Solitaire Dominoes, Domino Hunt.
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